Antonia V. Seligowski, PhD
Director and Principal Investigator
Dr. Seligowski is a Clinical Psychologist and Assistant Professor at Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School. She is also an Associate Editor for the European Journal of Psychotraumatology and a Board Member for the Massachusetts Board of Psychologists. Dr. Seligowski completed her pre-doctoral clinical psychology internship at McLean Hospital & Harvard Medical School, where she also completed a post-doctoral fellowship in Dr. Kerry Ressler’s Neurobiology of Fear Laboratory.
Dr. Seligowski’s research aims to elucidate brain-heart mechanisms underlying stress and PTSD, and to identify how these mechanisms are involved in cardiovascular disease risk. She also studies sex differences in these phenomena, including the influence of gonadal hormones. Dr. Seligowski’s research has been funded by the National Institutes of Health and the American Heart Association.
Marissa Burke, BA
Student Visitor
Student Visitor
Massachusetts General Hospital
Marissa is a student visitor in the NEST lab and working towards a career in medical sonography/ultrasound. Marissa is working on studies that are using FDG-PET imaging and autonomic measures to test the impact of PTSD treatments on cardiovascular mechanisms.
Robyn A. Ellis, PhD
McLean Hospital and
Harvard Medical School
Robyn is an Instructor at McLean Hospital. In the NEST lab, she is working on projects related to psychophysiological mechanisms underlying PTSD and substance use.
Maria Khalil, MD
Nuclear Cardiology Fellow
Nuclear Cardiology Fellow
Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School
Maria is a fellow in the MGH Cardiovascular Imaging Research Center. In the NEST lab, she is working on a project examining how PTSD accelerates the gain of cardiovascular risk factors.
Annie Khawand, BS
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Massachusetts General Hospital
Annie is a research assistant in the NEST lab. She is working on studies that are using FDG-PET imaging and autonomic measures to test the impact of PTSD treatments on cardiovascular mechanisms.
Hui Chong Lau, MD
Nuclear Cardiology Fellow
Nuclear Cardiology Fellow
Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School
Chong is a fellow in the MGH Cardiovascular Imaging Research Center. In the NEST lab, he is working on a project examining how PTSD increases thrombosis risk in a large biobank sample.
Courtney C. Louis, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School
Courtney is a fellow in the MGH Center for Women's Health. In the NEST lab, she is working on a project testing sex hormone effects on functional connectivity of frontal brain regions in women.
Sinead M. Sinnott, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School
Sinead is a fellow in the NEST lab and a T32 fellow in the Osher Center at
Brigham and Women’s Hospital. She is working on projects examining cardiovascular risk and physiology in PTSD, as well as physical activity and breathwork interventions.
Jeff C. Huffman, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School
Tanja Jovanovic, PhD
Wayne State University School of Medicine
Karestan C. Koenen, PhD
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Jennifer Kuckertz, PhD
McLean Hospital & Harvard Medical School
Tina Luberto, PhD
Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School
Michael T. Osborne, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School
Suzanne L. Pineles, PhD
VA Boston Healthcare & Boston University School of Medicine
Ahmed Tawakol, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School
Lab Alumni
Jahnvi Jain, BS
Student Visitor
Currently: Medical Student, University of Texas at Houston
Julia B. Merker, BS
Research Assistant
Currently: Clinical Psychology PhD Student, University of Delaware
Natalie C. Noble, BA
Research Assistant
Currently: Clinical Psychology PhD Student, University of Vermont
Theresa K. Webber, BA
Research Assistant
Currently: Social Work MSW Student, Boston University